Lulu RiveraI'm a pastor's wife, mom, and then Author, Biblical Counselor, Life Purpose Coach, Financial Coach, Bible Teacher, and Speaker. Archives
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Synopsis of Building Yourself UP11/9/2018 In my latest book, Building Yourself Up, I include 12 lessons followed by questions and answers. This book will help the Christian believer understand some of our doctrinal beliefs. I remember when I was a new believer, I didn't understand the whole concept of Jesus dying "for my sins." I never heard it explained in church. It took years of me studying the Bible to learn how it all began with the fall of man. That led to spiritual (and physical) death. Then it led to animal sacrifices and everything that was done under the Mosaic law to be forgiven for our sins. I discuss the need for a savior, which would be the final sacrifice for our sins. I explain why the Jews do not accept Jesus as messiah. In another chapter I talked about attending gatherings with other believers and taking communion. I talk about the two separate experiences of salvation and the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
I teach on how to study the Bible and what is true Biblical meditation. You'll also learn about prayer; what time do we pray and for how long, what position, and famous prayers in the Bible. I explain about fasting, who fasted in the Bible, for how long, why, and what did they fast from. I teach about the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit. I tackle tough subjects like the security of the believer. I shed light on the scriptures modern preachers use to manipulate the believers. I explain the difference between tithing, giving, and alms, which most churches don't properly teach. I explain what evangelism is and why we are all called to evangelize. In Lesson 10 I explain spiritual warfare. Finally, I close with principles for Christian living and developing a Christian worldview. Satan's most effective weapon against believers is deception. He can only deceive you if you are not praying, studying and meditating on God's Word, and if you are not submitted completely to God. Therefore, build yourself up!
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